For perhaps the first time in my life, I think I'm learning what it really means to be & have a friend. I've learned a lot the past year about friendship...and perhaps it's simpler than I made it out to be. It's not about completely understanding each other, but the effort & care. It's about seeing something good in someone and deciding you want to share a bit of your life and be included in their life. It's about appreciating them for who they are, and letting them do the same for you. When two friends told me they'd rather me be myself, negativity and all, rather than covering it up and pretending I was fine ... I was surprised, then glad.Now I have to try to be my own friend.Reading books about social anxiety, I realize that there's nothing wrong with being introverted, shy, or sensitive. Only being embarrased about being introverted, shy, or sensitive causes problems.I came back from church today feeling a bit sad and empty, but I know it's just part of the process. I can't be friends with everyone, and that's okay. It doesn't mean I'm any less worthy as a person - it only means we're not compatible at this point in our lives due to certain characteristics. It did make me sad though, seeing a girl that I had helped to teach in sunday school two years ago - she never smiles at me now when I greet/talk to her, as she used to in the class. I know now she probably has social anxiety too - and I wish I could help her - but it's a two way street, and I am not a professional counselor. Actually, she reminds me of a childhood friend, IC, who turned out quite well. At any rate, all we can do is do our best. I'll try from now to track my progress in the area of ameliorating social anxiety & gaining confidence.